Monday, November 3, 2014

Customer Relationships

E-mail marketing keeps relationships strong on a shoestring budget.
Along with more traditional communication tools like email, client forums and online access to customer usage and billing data, focusing on providing a complete answer in response to customer (restaurants and cafes) queries and concerns and set reasonable expectations for getting back to them if we will need to do a research before making a response. 

Another important thing is includes seeking suggestions on new features that would interest the customer, as well as critiques of current features.

As per Customer Relationship video, there are 3 Parts of Customer Relationships:

Get - Acquire customers, get them to buy or use your product
Keep - Keep your customers using your product 
Grow - Grow the database (acquire new customers, sell to existing customers more products)

First, we have two customer segments: Website and Application users and restaurants and cafes

As to the second segment (B2B) there are paid demand creation activities such as PR, advertising, trade shows. All of these activities are designed to “Feed the funnel” at the early stage. To acquire customers (mainly restaurants and cafes), we are planning to mainly involve online channels, such as SEO, advertising and SME to acquire new customers. In order to keep customers, we are planning to roll out new features and updates on the ongoing course. As a growth strategy, we want to offer new restaurants special deals for being at the top of the organic search results. 

For B2C segment (product users) we want to get by similar tools: SEO & online advertising (search and display advertising), print media (in-flight brochure promotions, public transport posters) and Google Play and App Store and active social media promos/interactive campaigns for creating awareness and generating interest in order to get new customers. To keep them using or product and keep them interested, we are planning to offer free giveaways, contributor rewards, continuously updated services and offers (e.i. special deals aka Groupon). To grow our customer base, we want to use social media (Facebook sponsored Page Likes and Sponsored stories), referrals, loyalty programs and mouth-to-mouth channels. 

Post by: Julia Bespala

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