Monday, October 6, 2014

Validating Value Proposition

As we second week approached, we decided to conduct deep interviews from both, people in industry and those who are exercising regularly and/or concerned with their nutrition. One of the first interviewee happened to be a personal trainer, James Murphy. He invalidated the initial value propositions (VP) that we had straight away, telling me about three sports meal delivery services currently available in Dublin. Whats more, he was skeptical about meal plan being done over an app as it requires a deep understanding of persons' nutritional requirements, exercising level and body composition.

We've also conducted several interviews in order to find out what bothers people most and came to a conclusion that many people find it hard to balance their almost-healthy diet during the week and not-so-healthy choices when dinning out or going to clubs or bars during the weekends or after work.

Our group gathered for a brainstorming session, during which we invalidated some of the hypothesis we had before around meal planning and food delivery services. Taking into account interviews we did and feedback we got, we came up with a slightly different VP which included providing healthy food options information, breakdown by diet type and/or nutritional information of the meals in restaurants and calories count at bars and pubs in Dublin (can also be expanded to other cities). What we needed at this stage is to validate our new value proposition and gather extra information about our potential customers.

Post by: Julia

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